Mammal / Vulpes vulpes pusilla
Desert Fox
Publications that mention Desert Fox in relation to Kutch
- Desert Fox (Vulpes vulpes pusilla) a Generalist or Opportunistic Specialist: Insight into the Feeding Habit in Thar Desert of Rajasthan, IndiaV Wilson, S Dookia - Environment and Ecology, 2019 - researchgate.net
- Dietary Opportunism in Desert Fox or White‐Footed Fox Vulpes vulpes pusillaHS Sangha - Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society …, 2014 - bnhsjournal.org
Related papers
- A Note on Greater Rann of Kachchh, Kachchh District, Gujarat with Special Reference to Flamingo CityRL Meena, VT Korvadia, AB Dave, PN Joshi - Indian Forester, 2008 - indianforester.co.in
- Impact of urbanization on winter resource use and relative abundance of a commensal carnivore, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes)A GHOSHAL - 2009 - researchgate.net
- Status of Wildlife in Wild Ass Sanctuary (Little Nann of Kutch, Gujarat State, India)HS Singh, VC Soni - Indian Forester, 1999 - indianforester.co.in
- Ecology of Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis (Shaw, 1800) in and Around Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, IndiaS Dookia, SK Das - Indian Forester, 2012 - indianforester.co.in
- A Preliminary overview of the Subspecies of Red Fox and Tibetan Sand Fox in the Himalaya, IndiaA Maheshwari, N Midha, A Paliwal… - Journal of the Bombay …, 2013 - academia.edu
- Distribution, den characteristics and diet of the Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis (Mammalia: Canidae) in Karnataka, India: preliminary observationsHN Kumara, M Singh - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2012 - threatenedtaxa.org
- Kachchh Biosphere Reserve: Rann and BiodiversityM Pardeshi, N Gajera, PN Joshi - Research Journal of Forestry, 2010 - researchgate.net
- Ecology and conservation of golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Jodhpur, RajasthanAP Ojha, G Sharma… - Journal of Applied …, 2017 - journals.ansfoundation.org
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- Natural History Observations on the Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx hardwickii in the Thar DesertM Ramesh, R Sankaran - Faunal Heritage of Rajasthan, India, 2013 - Springer
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- Patterns of bird community structure in relation to land-use driven habitat changes in the arid grasslands of Thar Desert.V Kher - 2019 - researchgate.net
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- Mangroves: A Reservoir of BiodiversityA Mitra - Mangrove Forests in India, 2020 - Springer
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